Rent Storage - East Location

Steps: Upon booking online, we would like to meet you in person, complete the application and give you your unit key

Traditional 5'x10' (10 x 5)

Door: 4' wide and 7' tall

$46 / month

Traditional 7'x10' (10 x 7)

Door: 5' wide and 7' tall

$56 / month

Waiting List

Traditional 10'x10' (10 x 10)

Door: We put the widest door possible for easy access

$66 / month

Waiting List

Traditional 10'x15' (15 x 10)

Door: 7' wide and 7' tall

$74 / month

Waiting List

Traditional 10'x20' (20 x 10)

Door: We put the largest door possible for easy access in and out. Most doors are 7'5" or 9' wide.

$88 / month

Waiting List

Traditional 12'x20' (20 x 12)

Door: 10' wide and 9'5" tall

$111 / month

Waiting List

Traditional 10'x30' (30 x 10)

Door: 7' wide and 7' tall

$117 / month

Waiting List

Traditional 12'x25' (25 x 12)

Door: 10' wide and 9'5" tall

$120 / month

Traditional 12'x30' (30 x 12)

Door: 10' wide and 9'5" tall

$129 / month